The Late Bronze Age Collapse
1275 B.C.
Shardana Fight for Ramesses II at Qadesh
Shardana Fight for Ramesses II at Qadesh
Possible Timeframe of the Trojan War
Hittites Defeated at Nihirya
First Recorded Naval Battle
Sea Peoples First Listed in Attack on Egypt
Collapse of Hittite Empire / Hattusa Destroyed
The Apex of Bronze Age City Destruction
Ugarit is Destroyed and Abandoned
1300 B.C.
1200 B.C.
1100 B.C.
1000 B.C.
1280 B.C.
1240 B.C.
1160 B.C.
1270 B.C.
1260 B.C.
1250 B.C.
1230 B.C.
1220 B.C.
1210 B.C.
1190 B.C.
1180 B.C.
1170 B.C.
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